Park Rules

In order to ensure clean, safe, and inclusive parks, the list below highlights some prohibited conditions, uses and activities on or within county parks and beaches (See Ch. 90, Article II, Sarasota County Code of Ordinances for a complete list):

  • Smoking: Smoking is prohibited within all county-owned public parks and beaches, with exception of unfiltered cigars.
  • Glass Containers: Holding, drinking from, possessing, or disposing of glass containers of any kind.
  • Animals: Dogs allowed in designed parks and areas. Service dogs welcome. Please refer to our list of Dog Parks for location information.
  • Overnight Parking: Unless otherwise permitted, leaving boats, trailers, or vehicles unattended for more than 24 hours at a county park.
  • E-bikes: Electric bikes are allowed within parks and trails with a maximum speed limit 15 miles per hour.
  • Camping: Overnight camping is prohibited, unless otherwise permitted. For more information, visit our Camping page.
  • Business in Parks: Our park system endeavors to provide and promote opportunities for Business in Parks that enhances visitor experiences while supporting the compatible use of designated parks. More information coming soon on our Business in Parks page.
  • Fire and Grills: Fires are prohibited, except in propane-fueled grills; or county-provided grills, fireplaces, and barbecue pits.
  • Soliciting: Soliciting or canvassing is prohibited, unless authorized by a permit.
  • Protect our Parks: Take only pictures, leave only footprints. Destroying, cutting, carving, mutilating, moving, displacing, breaking off, hunting, injuring, defacing, marring, moving, digging, harmfully disturbing or removing from any area, or the waters thereof, any buildings, structures, facilities, cultural resources, including historic and prehistoric, equipment, park property, soil, natural water bottom formation, sand, gravel, rocks, stones, fossils, minerals, plants (including terrestrial, aquatic, marine, or epiphytic plants) or animals, artifacts or other materials is prohibited.
  • Designated Swim Areas: Air sports, watercraft, surfing, and sailboarding operated within a swim area designated by a buoy is prohibited. In addition, the following air sports shall be subject to the following requirements:
  • Persons engaging in kiteboarding shall launch and land the associated kites no closer than 200 feet from a swim area designated by buoys. Pedestrians and swimmers shall have the right of way
  • Persons engaging in parasailing shall be no closer than 500 feet from the water's edge of a beach located waterward of a public beach park


For more information on other air and water sport activities, such as kiteboarding and parasailing, refer to Ch. 90, Article II, Sarasota County Code of Ordinances.