Permit Types

Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources will be offering the following mobile vendor permits at select locations. The list of locations can be found here and will be updated regularly.


Food and Drinks

A vendor that sells food cooked on-site or pre-packaged items including ice cream, frozen treats and non-alcoholic beverages.

  • Price ranges from $71.25 to $112.50.


Sell and Go (non-food)

A vendor that sells sundries, goods and other recreation-related services.

  • Price ranges from $60 to $90.


Guided Tours or Rentals (with equipment)

Any vendor who provides opportunities related to guided tours with equipment such as bicycles, canoes, kayaks, or horses, and offers any other type of eco-tourism or nature-based outdoor experience requiring animals or equipment.

  • Price ranges from $93.75 to $120.


Guided Tours (without equipment)

Any vendor who provides opportunities related to guided tours, eco-tourism or nature-based outdoor experiences that result in minimal to no impact to the resource within a county park.

  • Price ranges from $25 to $35.



The price for each permit varies depending on the type of permit, day of the week and park location. The price of the permit allows for three hours of operation at the park location. This information can be found on page 26 of the Department Fee Schedule found here. Price does not include applicable taxes.