Grab your checklist of Florida birds and head out! Sarasota County boasts a diverse array of habitats that offer feeding, resting, and nesting grounds for over 300 bird species.

The Great Florida Birding Trail features seventeen sites in Sarasota County, with thirteen integrated into our park system.

Given such diversity, it's no surprise that Sarasota County parks attract bird enthusiasts from near and far.

Fun Facts:

  • Celery Fields' bird list comprises more than 225 species.
  • Shamrock Park and Caspersen Beach Park feature rare scrub habitat, the exclusive home of the threatened Florida scrub-jay.
  • The Great Florida Birding Trail encompasses 13 Sarasota County park or preserve sites.
  • Three bird species, black skimmers, least terns, and snowy plovers, nest on our Sarasota County beaches.

Least Tern chick at the beach


Birding Guides